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The Garden Party

The Garden Party was once bought by a couple of members of the Audrey's - they are a bit of a favorite band of mine - so how much of a thrill was it when they came into my cafe in Dunsborough and bought a big framed print of it

proceeds go toward building the art garden
find out about mailing
see current pricelist


After working in the garden all week - it then becomes the perfect environment for a celebration

using the framed limited edition in a light interior design
a framing suggestion in a home decore display
a styled home environment with the limited edition

The Garden Party was once bought by a couple of members of the Audrey's - they are a bit of a favorite band of mine - so how much of a thrill was it when they came into my cafe in Dunsborough and bought a big framed print of it

Unique and Special

Your environment is a reflection who you are and how you choose to express yourself - and in this ecclectic world no-one wants to look like they live in a cookie cutter of Ikea - everyone is special and unique - you are different

And so are these prints - they are rare and beautiful and limited.

Signed and Numbered

The Garden Party has been made by a short run lithographic print of 900 copies throughout the if you divide the 7.4 billion on the planet .... it means there is a mind bogglingly small percentage of people can own one - its like winning lotto

Each limited edition is hand signed and numbered by Mandy - as the prints are sold, the price goes up.
The Garden Party is 63.5cm x 49cm ... 25inches x 19.3 inches

They are made on a high quality, 220gsm, monsa satin paper stock - so they are smooth - no fake canvas-like bumps , and it is the strongest paper that doesnt crease when you roll it into a mailing tube - but these prints are delivered flat packed to ensure their safety

Find out more about the mailing


The reason these limited edition prints were created is to fund Mandys experiments in water saving gardens, art projects and the building of large sculptures

a bale of hay wrapped in black plastic, stage one of a haybale garden
many bales of hay in a square, the haybale garden takes shape
the haybale garden in full bloom, with vegetables growing in it

project of the week

At the new public studio in Beverley Western Australia called "The Art Garden" - Mqndy is slowley creating an experiential walk through work of art .. its a garden full of Mandys latest sculptures, plasma cut metal art, large murals and a painting studio full of giftware...its lots of fun

Buying a print supports Mandy and all her latest projects

The Garden Party was once bought by a couple of members of the Audrey's - they are a bit of a favorite band of mine - so how much of a thrill was it when they came into my cafe in Dunsborough and bought a big framed print of it


Free Mailing

This limited edition print will be sent to you FOR FREE - flatpacked !!

The package is enormous - and if you have some fun with wrapping paper, ribbons and bows - they make REALLY IMPRESSIVE PRESENTS

**half price special prints will come in a tube


and here are some of the responses from happy customers

"Hello Mandy,
My print has just arrived & I must say that it took my breath away, it is so beautiful. Even more so than I thought when ordering it. The way it was packaged for delivery was top notch.
I hope that you have another available as I would like to order one for my friend.
Kindest regards "

"Hi Mandy,
Thank you so much for the cards and booklet. That booklet was just what I have been looking for the last few days, just what I needed. Isn it it funny how you start thinking of things and then something pops up exactly at the right time..your booklet... the universe was listening to me, amazing.
I received your print also and absolutely love it, once I get it framed will post it up on facebook and show it off.
Thank you Mandy and best wishes with your new venture and I would like to buy another print but will have to save some dollars first 😊.
Your awesome, thanks again."

"Mandy, I love your work so much. Thank you for the beauty & meaning you bring to the world. One day soon I want to purchase another original from you. I treasure the ones I bought from you . They are part of my home and, well, part of me now."

"Hi Mandy - You are delightful! Thanks for adding your sparkly spark to our friendly universe!
In Delight! In Gratitude,"


**half price special prints will come in a tube

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