home>under the ocean series>DREAMTIME

Art from Under the Ocean


This drawing is part of a longer vertical triptych representing the lives of a family in Dunsborough. This lower third shows the movement of life into the aquatic theme below

Here are links to the other images in this series

Awesome Quotes inspired by Dreamtime

Sherylle Mark Ogram

"This wonderful picture, which is made up of so many parts, hangs proudly in our home to remind us of the story of our family. I guess if I was to have something to say about the picture as a whole it would be " The cycle of life and lives lived is such a gift" xx

Ashley Zanotti

Life pours all around
Sounds are muted amplified
Still the movement is"

Catherine Amery

" Yin & yang of inner self"


Here is a few examples of this series of prints of the Under the Ocean art in unique and personal decorative displays in homes

Would you like your image to be showcased in a webpage like this? Making vignettes (still life scenes around the home) is a trending and really fun thing to do - if you own any of my art and want to spend an afternoon creatively arranging objects around your home into a groovy photo shoot - I would love to see the pictures.

I have a few suggestions/guidelines on composition, lighting,texture ..etc that will help spark your creative juices - get sent a free download

Here are links to the other images in this series


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