Limited Edition Prints and Sculptures
Mandy Evans was a coloured pencil artist for the first twenty years of her career. Just before she took up painting she drew a series of drawings called - the people pictures- depicting simple events in her everyday life. The favorite of these pictures was Working in the Garden - and -Hanging Out the Washing - the originals were all drawn on a black leathercraft paper which gives the images the texture.
a painting of people sailing along through time over the ocean
a daily routine that people have. A coloured pencil drawing.
Another daily routine people have is hanging out the washing. The original piece was drawn with coloured pencil on a black leathercraft paper.
a family day out when we were young. It is one of the people picture series. The original is a coloured pencil drawing on leathercraft paper.
This unique art is an affirmation of good fortune. All the fish want to leap out of the ocean and into the boat - all the while the spirits in the sky fly about. This image is one of the people picture series which reflects simple events in the daily life of the artist
This coloured pencil picture is another example of the daily tasks in lives of people.
Another in the series of the people pictures - this joyous group depicts the activities of at the end of a happy week working
One of Mandys favorite pictures. This image is one in the series of people pictures - depicting everyday events in the life of the artist
This painting represents peoples emotions. It was painted during mourning, but could stand for all of our sensitivities - as fragile as a bird - it matches another painting called healing